order Passeriformes: perching birds
family Aegithalidae: Bushtit
Field identification tips: Tiny and kinetic, Bushtits (Psaltriparus minimus) are gray bits of fluff found in loose flocks, chattering as they move from one bush to the next searching for insects. It's unlikely you will see only one Bushtit, and saying "adorable Bushtit" is redundant. Males have dark eyes, females have light-colored eyes.
Typical range: P. minimus is a resident of western North America along the Pacific coast states north to southern British Columbia, south through much of Mexico and into parts of Central Ameerica, the Great Basin, and Four Corners excluding the highest mountains.
Habitat: P. minimus can be found in brushy scrublands, suburban yards, riparian woodlands and chaparral.
all photographs Copyright © Douglas Herr
last updated 17 August 2024